Downtown Painesville attracts the makers – it’s a place where young entrepreneurs and generations-old business owners find support, community and opportunities for success.
Bada Bing Pizza
I really love the things that they are doing with downtown area. I hope they keep it up and continue to draw in more and more bussiness and residents with the improvements of our community. John Billings, Painesville, Ohio.
Main Street has a beautiful square and a ton of historic homes. There's a lot of potential here, and I am excited. They have some great shops and restaurants that I love to visit. Pat Smith, Ashtabula, Ohio
I am impressed with downtown Painesville... the park is very well taken care of, and the event we went to was very well planned and organized. I will definitely be coming here again soon! Sarah Higgins, Mentor, Ohio
391 W. Washington Street
College Hall, #216
Painesville, Ohio 44077
Telephone: (440) 278-0729
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© Copyright 2020 Downtown Painesville Organization